Alle VeröffentlichungenDetails: BLACKROCK GLOBAL FUNDS (SICAV)

BLACKROCK GLOBAL FUNDS (SICAV) | Ordentliche Hauptversammlung 2025

Ordentliche Hauptversammlung: 17 February 2025, 11.00 a.m. CET

Montag, den 17. Februar 2025 um 11:00 Uhr
Office of the Company
2-4, rue Eugène Ruppert
L-2453 Luxembourg
Veröffentlicht auf EVI am 14.01.2025

BlackRock Global Funds (SICAV) 
(the “Company”)

Registered Office: 2-4, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 6317


The 2025 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company (the “Meeting”) will be held at the registered office of the Company at 11.00 a.m. CET on 17 February 2025 for the purpose of considering and voting upon the following matters:


  1. To receive the Directors’ and Auditor’s reports and to approve the financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2024.
  2. To approve the payment of dividends for the year ended 31 August 2024.
  3. To agree to discharge the Board for the performance of its duties for the past fiscal year.
  4. To re-elect Ms Denise Voss as Director until the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held in 2026.
  5. To re-elect Mr Geoffrey Radcliffe as Director until the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held in 2026.
  6. To re-elect Mr Keith Saldanha as Director until the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held in 2026.
  7. To re-elect Ms Davina Saint as Director until the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held in 2026.
  8. To re-elect Ms Bettina Mazzocchi as Director until the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held in 2026.
  9. To re-elect Ms Vasiliki Pachatouridi as Director until the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held in 2026. 
  10. To elect Mr Benjamin Gregson as Director until the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held in 2026.
  11. To acknowledge the resignation of Mr Paul Freeman with effect from 31 March 2024. (Not a resolution to be voted on)
  12. To approve the remuneration of the Directors.
  13. To re-elect Ernst & Young S.A. as Auditor until the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held in 2026. 


Resolutions on the Agenda may be passed without a quorum, by a simple majority of the votes cast thereon at the Meeting.

Voting Arrangements

In order to vote at the meeting:

  1. The holders of Registered Shares may be present in person or:
    1. represented by a duly appointed proxy; or
    2. vote by means of a ballot paper (“formulaire”) in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 11 of the Company’s Articles of Association.
  2. Shareholders who cannot attend the Meeting in person are invited to:
    1. send a duly completed and signed proxy form to the Registered Office of the Company to arrive no later than midnight CET on 06 February 2025; or
    2. deliver or send by fax a duly completed and signed ballot paper to the Registered Office of the Company (Fax No: + 352 2452 44 34) to arrive no later than midnight CET on 10 February 2025.
  3. Proxy forms for registered shareholders can be obtained from the registered office of the Company. A person appointed proxy need not be a holder of Shares in the Company.
  4. A pro forma ballot paper can be downloaded from:
  5. Lodging of a proxy form or ballot vote will not prevent a shareholder from attending the Meeting and voting in person if he decides to do so.

Copies of the prospectus and the key information documents (KIDs) in German language, and the articles of association and most recently published annual and semi-annual reports in English language are available free of charge to investors at the registered office of the management company and may also be accessed electronically via

The Board of Directors 

Central Paying Agent
J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A.
European Bank and Business Centre
6c, route de Trèves, Building C
L-2633, Senningerberg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: BLACKROCK GLOBAL FUNDS (SICAV)